Installing BG3 Mods

Installing Mods for Baldur's Gate 3

Installing mods doesn't have to be a difficult experience! A mod manager application is not required, although you may use one if you choose to do so. Worry not - even manually installing them is quick and easy!

Installation: Step 1

When downloading our cosmetic mods, you'll get .pak files. (Or in the case of collections, you may get a .zip folder, which will then contain .pak files.) Our initial selection of BG3 cosmetics are being created with the official toolkit provided by Larian, and thus do not require a .json file like you might be accustomed to from alternate mod creation methods.

To install these .pak files into your BG3 game, you simply need to place them into:
Windows: C:\Users\*Your User Account*\AppData\Local\Larian Studios\Baldur's Gate 3\Mods
Mac: Documents > Larian Studios > Baldur's Gate 3 >Mods
The game will not read mods out of a .zip folder, unless otherwise specified in the information for that mod. Pak files must be unzipped in order for the game to recognize them.

NOTE! The "AppData" folder in Windows is, by default, a hidden folder. If you look in a file browser window under your user folder, you most likely will not find it - unless you've altered your system settings to show hidden system folders. You can still access it by manually typing in either a full file path (such as the above path), or by typing  %appdata% in to the File Browser address bar.

Larian Launcher

Alternatively, the Mods path can be access directly from within the Larian game launcher. From the home screen, click on the gear icon in the bottom left corner:

Once in the Settings screen, scroll down to the "Support" section, and click on the button that says "Open Profile Folder"

Clicking this button will then open a file explorer window that will take you directly to your main Larian Studios game folder, where you will then find your Mods subfolder.

Activation: Step 2

Once you have installed the mod .pak files into your Mods folder as described above, you'll need to activate the mod within the game.

From the main menu, click on the Mod Manager option:

This will open the in-game mod browser and management portal. 

Click on the "Installed" tab at the top of the screen, and you'll see a list of all of the mods that the game has found in your Mods folder, or that you've installed through the Browse tab:

Any external mods that you have installed via .pak files will be labeled with a yellow exclamation ⚠️ to indicate they are 3rd party.
The green checkmark ✅ indicates that the mod is active, and that the game will load it. An unchecked box ⏹️ indicates that the mod is currently inactive, and that it will not appear in the game.

When you add a new mod into your Mods folder, it will initially be inactive. This will show an empty, unchecked box indicating that the game is not going to load this mod.

Make sure to activate your mods before loading up the game! 

NOTE: Mods manually installed via .pak files, or those downloaded and installed through the in-game mod browser do not use any kind of manually adjustable load order, such as you may have used previously in external mod managers. 

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